Sunday, August 24, 2008

These Emergency Situations Call For Instant Arrangement Of Credit

Category: Finance, Credit.

Instant approval credit card is one of those few innovations we cannot do without. A loved one meeting a serious accident, or an urgent work requiring you to travel across the world with only 36 hours of notice, unforeseen emergencies strike us all and sundry.

Emergencies in life do not come announced. To accentuate the situation, not all of us carry liquid cash with us or with the banks at all times. Be it the contractor you identified to fix your home, or that workshop that services your car, or the manufacturer that supplies you with the critical raw material to feed you machines- instant payment cuts down long waiting periods and shortens processing time. Instant payment is a great facilitator and speeds up almost all possible business transactions apart from those involving Mother Nature or the omnipotent god. Despite the best of the financial planning, we are helpless enough in the hands of luck to get stranded in the middle of no man land with no cash at our disposal. Credit lenders appreciate the requirement for such instant requirement of credit and have devised a simple yet effective solution to address this need. These emergency situations call for instant arrangement of credit.

Lenders conceived the idea of instant approval credit cards to meet this specific need of offering credit to creditworthy consumers with minimal transaction and documentation time. Instant approval credit cards, as the name suggests, requires you to fill up an online form and inform you about the confirmation, or otherwise listed instantly. After all, the very essence of business is to create solutions catering to specific needs of the society. The key to this instant approval of a card is a high FICO score. The higher the FICO score, higher are the chances of you getting the credit card approval and negatively goes when the opposite happens. FICO, or the Fair Issac Company, is a mathematical tool named after the inventing company and is used by lenders to quantify your creditworthiness.

However, you will need to keep in mind two basic aspects before you apply for these cards. Hence credit card companies need to be doubly sure before they approve and issue an instant approval card. The two points being creditworthiness and transaction time do away with physical verification and also cuts down heavily on the documentation part of the application process. So, expect an instant approval card only if you have an impeccable credit repayment history, continuous employment or, stable financial status any combination of these. As mentioned in the name, approvals for these cards are given instantaneously subject to the fact that the applicant meets all preset criteria. The second point that you should know to be an informed consumer is the fact that instant approval credit card does not translate into in the moment credit. From approval to issue of credit card, this part of the process takes about two to three days despite the most efficient application processing back end team.

Nevertheless, an instant approval credit is your best tool against the uncertainties of life.


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